Five churches that don’t celebrate Christmas

The Christian community celebrated Christmas across the world on Sunday, but not all Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ.

Against the general belief that Christmas is celebrated by all Christians across the world, there are some denominations that do not celebrate this yearly anniversary, which signifies the birthday anniversary of Jesus Christ.

Below are some denominations that do not celebrate Christmas and why they do not.



Jehovah Witness

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not observe the majority of festivals or events that honour someone other than Jesus. This includes occasions such as birthdays, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween.

In addition, they do not celebrate religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter since they believe these traditions have pagan roots.

The organization asserts that “Christmas is not sanctioned by God” due to the lack of evidence that Jesus was born on December 25 and the pagan origins of Christmas symbols such as the lights and the Christmas tree.

Seventh Day Adventist Church

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has almost 20 million adherents, making it one of the largest dominions. SDA is among the number of conservatives who do not celebrate Christmas on December 25 in contrast to other Christians.

Members of the Seventh Day Adventist faith believe that the event of Christmas was not recorded in the Bible; hence, the birth date of Jesus is not recorded in the Bible. For them, celebrating this day is a sinful act. Hence, they do not do so.

Deeper Life

Pastor Williams Folorunso Kumuyi, General Superintendent of Deeper Life Bible Church, said in 2013 at its December retreat: “We don’t celebrate Christmas. It actually came from an idolatrous background. That is why you don’t hear us sing what they call Christmas Carol.

” Never! When you find anybody coming in, or any leader, trying to introduce the idolatry of mystery Babylon, that they call Christmas and you want to bring all the Christmas carol saying that is the day that Jesus was born, and you don’t find that in the Acts of the Apostles or in the early church, then you don’t find that in my church either. If you don’t know that before, now you know.

“We are not trying to make the church turn like the world. We want it to be like Jesus Christ and more like the Apostles. If you don’t have that mind with us, then you have permission to go to other places.”

God’s Kingdom Society (GKS)

This is yet another anti-Christmas church. According to the church’s official website, there is no single indication in the Bible that Jesus Christ was born on December 25th.

Rather, they believe that He was born in October and that Christmas came from “a raucous pagan festival in praise of the deity of the sun.”

While other Christians celebrate Christmas in December, this church commemorates Jesus Christ’s birth anniversary in October. This is accomplished through Freedom Day.

St. Gideon Meriodere Urhobo founded the church after leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1934. He lived from 1903 and 1952. Warri is the location of the headquarters.

Religious Society of Friends

The Religious Society of Friends, also called Quakers, is a religious group.

This church thinks that “every day is a holy day.”

Some Quakers want to go back to how early Christians lived, which is another reason why they don’t celebrate Christmas.

A spokesman for the Friends General Conference ,Chris Pifer says, “There’s an effort within aspects of Quaker practice to try and explore and find primitive Christianity, the church before it became a political entity.

“In very early Christianity, there weren’t holidays like Christmas anywhere close to the form it is today.”